Sunday, April 23, 2006

serendipity-open thread

serendipity-open thread
Sundays are meant for relaxation and stress relief. Most of us indulge our hobbies on a Sunday. I love exercising, cooking and gardening and reading-- in that order. Yesterday it was sambar (spicy lentil soup) for lunch and Shepherd's pie for dinner. I could share some recipes with you if any one is interested. I normally read about 3-10 recipes of the dish I'm about to create and then follow what I feel will taste best. It's intuitive and innovative cooking, always with a slight twist to the dish. After a couple of attempts at the dish it settles down to a consistent taste. Been reading the Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma and a love story called Map of Love by Ahdaf Soueif. The former contains a lot of cliched statements while the latter is rather boring as a love story. I wish I could put half read books down and pick up a new book, but I cannot put any book down without completely reading it. Take care.


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