Tuesday, April 25, 2006

serendipity-open thread

Sibling rivalry
I was wondering today how complicated our relationships have become because of sibling rivalry. I fail to understand why siblings cannot help one another along the way. Sharing, compassion, fraternal feelings, love are the building blocks of solid relationships in this world. Why don't people realize that our time in this world is limited- we don't know if tomorrow will come. And once we migrate to other worlds we cannot take our money and houses and wealth away with us. What will remain is the fond memories that people will have of you if you believe in maintaining good relationships. Share love, not hate, because the more you share either of these emotions the more they multiply.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

serendipity-open thread

serendipity-open thread
Sundays are meant for relaxation and stress relief. Most of us indulge our hobbies on a Sunday. I love exercising, cooking and gardening and reading-- in that order. Yesterday it was sambar (spicy lentil soup) for lunch and Shepherd's pie for dinner. I could share some recipes with you if any one is interested. I normally read about 3-10 recipes of the dish I'm about to create and then follow what I feel will taste best. It's intuitive and innovative cooking, always with a slight twist to the dish. After a couple of attempts at the dish it settles down to a consistent taste. Been reading the Greatness Guide by Robin Sharma and a love story called Map of Love by Ahdaf Soueif. The former contains a lot of cliched statements while the latter is rather boring as a love story. I wish I could put half read books down and pick up a new book, but I cannot put any book down without completely reading it. Take care.

serendipity-open thread

serendipity-open thread

Saturday, April 22, 2006


I've always wanted to do this on my own-- post something on the web and wait for it to come back to you. Reminds me of the carrier pigeons of yore-- sending a message out into the universe and waiting for a reply from some-one. And if someone does reply or read your blog it's as if there is some hidden cosmic connection between all these people. This is the true meaning and purpose of the web-- a quantum network of connected people ideas, atoms, emotions , sharing, caring and all that jazz.