Monday, May 08, 2006

Pasta recipe

Penne Pasta in Indian Curry sauce
4 cups penne pasta
Salt—to taste
½ tsf fresh ground Pepper
3 tbsf olive pomace oil
5 cardamom
1” stick cinnamon
3 cloves
1” piece ginger—chopped finely
3 cloves garlic—made into paste
2 medium style onions- diced
3 ripe tomatoes- pureed
3 tbsf tomato sauce
½ tsf Worcestershire sauce
¼ tsf soya sauce
(optional) 2 tbsf Teriyaki sauce
Dash of Green /Red Tabasco
5 strands saffron dissolved in 2 tbsf warm milk, later crushed

Boil the pasta in about 8 cups of salty water for about 7-8 mins. After water comes to a boil—pasta should be al dente. Drain off extra water and wash pasta with cold water. Keep aside.
Add 2 tbsf olive oil in a stew pot and heat the oil until it emits an aroma. Add whole spices (card/ cinn /cloves). Add onions and sauté until golden brown. Add ginger and garlic and sauté for a minute. Remove all ingredients and grind to a paste.
Take 1 tbsf olive oil in the same vessel and return the onion paste to it. (if using teriyaki sauce add it now until it caramelizes slightly). Add the tomato puree and all the sauces, stirring constantly until a thick sauce consistency is reached. Lastly add the saffron and sauté for a minute or so. Toss the pasta with this sauce and serve hot.
You may garnish with some oregano and parsley, if you so desire.


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